Since the launch of the @talentEgal association, we have been convinced of the relevance of its actions and invested ourselves to the point of joining the Board of Directors. The experiments that followed proved us right!
We regularly invite the association @talentEgal to come and meet our interns from the Bac to Bac +5 technology sectors to introduce them to the support they offer. These meetings are always very successful.
CRM trainees can benefit from different help from@talentEgal. Some benefit from support in conversational English (connecting with a professional of a partner company) or are coached to position themselves on the internship and job offers of these same partner companies, prepare for job interviews or identify appropriate training for further study etc.
Others were able to benefit from online training (know-how, communication, work efficiency, etc.).
This individualized support corresponds to our values, it adapts to the needs of trainees and offers them a real opportunity for skills development and professional integration.
(photos by Etienne KOPP)
CRM : Largest French training centre for people with disabilities (30 training courses at the CAP level in the fields of computer science, business management, design offices, health professions, community services, animation).
Consult our training catalogue: Professional Training